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10 Ways To Add More Subscribers On Your YouTube Channel

Posted on 27 September, 2018

Video content is leading the way in the content marketing scene as of 2018. YouTube is currently the leading platform for video blogging (vlogging), video sharing, and video marketing. It is a free platform offered by Google, and many love it.

10 Ways To Add More Subscribers On Your YouTube Channel

With a whole new lot of YouTube stars on the rise, it is definitely a platform to be considered by everyone looking for some online marketing and brand exposure.

YouTube is a great platform for bloggers to broaden their internet reach by making a personal connection with their followers.

This blog outlines 10 ways to add more subscribers to your Youtube channel.

  1. Upload new videos on daily basis, and preferably on a schedule. If your audience comes to expect a new video every Tuesday, they’ll look forward to Tuesdays! When you upload a new video, those who have subscribed to your channel will receive a notification which helps trigger unique views.
  2. Post each of your YouTube videos on Facebook using Facebook’s native video uploader. Include a call-to-action within the Facebook video post to “check out my other videos on YouTube” with a link to your YouTube channel.
  3. Keep your video titles to 50 characters or less. Any longer and your title will get cut off, decreasing the chances it will get clicked in the search.
  4. Embed your YouTube videos on your blog and promote them on your social media platforms. This will not only increase video views, but it will also increase your site’s page views.
  5. Try keeping your videos to around 3 minutes. Research by Buffer Social shows the ideal length of a YouTube video is 2 minutes and 54 seconds.
  6. When choosing keywords for your videos, run a quick Google search to see if there are video results for those keywords. If there are, your video has a better chance of carrying a stronger stronger ranking in search.
  7. Organize your videos in topical playlists. Use relevant keywords to give your playlists more potential for ranking in search.
  8. Include an intro for all your videos. Your intro is where you have a captive audience. Use it to present the content of your video while also reminding viewers they can subscribe to your channel.
  9. Use relevant keywords in your title and description so your video has the best chance of showing up in YouTube and Google search results.
  10. Include your YouTube video URL when embedding it on your blog. Adding the URL manually may increase clicks to your YouTube channel….and may just lead to your visitors sticking around to check out your other videos.
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