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How to Do Keyword Research for SEO?

Posted on 10 November, 2020

SEO companies in Mumbai are in a race to give the best SEO services in Mumbai to businesses. They are trying to use every tool they can to produce the best results for the businesses who are partnered with them. SEO agencies in Mumbai usually put a lot of work into improving your search engine rankings. There is a lot of work that goes into search engine optimization (SEO). These agencies do the heavy lifting of creating, curating, and publishing content and fiddle with your website’s metadata. Publishing and making content takes up the most time in the process. But how do SEO companies in Mumbai know what to publish on your website? These companies create content around a keyword that is related to your business which helps you get traffic on your website. How do these SEO agencies in Mumbai find out what keywords to use? What are the keywords? Let us find out.

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO?

What are the keywords?

Keyword research is the process of finding out and analyzing the term that people use to find business related to yours. Knowing what terms are being used by the users could help you have a better strategy to create and curate the content that goes on the website. Keyword research is used by SEO services in Mumbai not just to have a better content strategy but also better marketing strategy altogether. So why is keyword research important?

Importance of keyword research.

SEO services in Mumbai have evolved a lot since its inception. You can see a lot of changes in how SEO used to function in recent years. These changes can be attributed to how search engines functions have also changed. Contrary to popular belief using a keyword that exactly matches that search phrase has become less and less important in the past few years. The biggest way to get your website to the top of the search engine rankings is by creating content that doesn’t use the exact term used to search the query but to satisfy the query. But that doesn’t mean keyword research is a relic for the past.

Keyword research could still help you find the queries of a user. SEO companies in Mumbai usually have to use the right SEO tools to be effective in their research. Using the right tools could let you know how much a topic is popular among the users and how many people are searching for it. Researching keywords could help you create better content designed to tackle that keyword. Doing so could help you climb the ranking real fast as more people will be attracted to your content and website.

How to research keywords?

SEO agencies in Mumbai usually start by listing the terms that are related to your business. Think of topics that are relevant to your business and come up with 5-10 terms related to that term. You will use those topics to come up with keywords that are common between them to know what keywords you will need to research on. So for example if you write content online you will be writing content about a certain broad topic, let’s say makeup. So put yourself in your reader’s shoes and see what they want to hear about. You can come up with topics using this and then you will find the common term being used between different topics those will be your keywords.

Put those keywords on websites that could show you how often those keywords have been used. Not all keywords are created equal. There are certainly bad keywords that are never used by users. Wasting your effort writing on bad keywords would just be useless. It won’t get you any traffic. Find the most used keyword and try and capture that. Don’t be afraid to use long-tail keywords as they have become popular after the dawn of voice search function. Also, make sure you also look for related terms that are suggested by the search engine. Doing this could help you research your keyword effectively.

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