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Why Responsive Web Design is Important For Business.

Posted on 23 September, 2018

Responsive design is a web design and development technique that creates a site or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. Responsive design will optimize a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimized for the device that is accessing it. Increasing use of the internet and proliferation of web applications on tablet and mobile devices has been the driving force behind this development.

Why Responsive Web Design is Important For Business.

In order to capitalize on the optimum usage of infographics and other features, business firms are increasingly incorporating responsiveness nowadays. They can enjoy a number of functional and aesthetic benefits from responsive websites. Every company wants to stride ahead in the competition with unique marketing strategies. It offers a great degree of innovation and flexibility.

Here are a few reasons why responsive web design is important for business.

  1. Great looking Websites Pull more Customers :

    The look of a website matters a lot when it comes to marketing. People visiting a website are fascinated by innovative designs and pathbreaking features and quirky content. It makes the portal look attractive, thereby attracting more traffic. Moreover, they are compatible to mobile gadgets.

    Responsive websites are equally compatible with laptops, desktops, mobiles, smartphones and other devices. The maximum number of internet users use mobile phones to get access to a website. Therefore, it is wise to design the website for mobile gadgets and responsive web design for business goes well with up-to-date mobile phones.

  2. Consolidate your Analytics and Reporting :

    A single responsive site means that you no longer have to track user journeys, conversion paths, funnels and redirections between your sites. Site analytics tools like Google Analytics are now optimized to handle multiple devices and responsive reporting. All of your tracking and analytics will continue to function and be condensed into a single report, allowing for easier monitoring and analysis.

  3. Lower Cost and Website Maintenance :

    Another benefit of using a responsive website is: it offers you a lower maintenance cost as compared to running two versions of one website.

    However, it is relatively expensive in the beginning. But the reduced cost of maintaining two separate websites does add up.

    Besides, it takes less time to set up. And it’s easier to maintain one responsive website than maintaining two versions of the same site.

    It frees up more time for you to dedicate to other important areas of your business and you could also offer tailored location-based offers to drive traffic to your website.

  4. Have a Seamless User Experience :

    Seamless user experience is by far one of the greatest benefits of having a responsive website. Unresponsive websites usually distort the way your website appears on devices like mobile, and tablet.

    Whereas desktop viewers might have no problem viewing your website, but the same cannot be said for mobile users.

    Texts are jumbled, images do not align and users have to scroll through endless pages in search of the information they need. This makes it a pain for users to use your site smoothly and seamlessly. To avoid such scenarios, it will be worthwhile to evaluate the quality of your website design.

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